Out of an abundance of caution for our guests and staff, the Museum will be closed Sunday, February 9, due to the inclement weather forecast.

Staff & Board


Taylor Barros
Visitor Services and Membership Manager
978-598-5000 extension 123

Anna Farwell
Marketing Coordinator
978-598-5000 extension 118

Laura Garrity-Arquitt
978-598-5000 extension 116

Simon Morsink
Executive Director

Danielle Shabo
Marketing Manager
978-598-5000 extension 125

Melanie Trottier
Manager of Administration
978-598-5000 extension 113

Justin Willson
978-598-5000 extension 126

Board Of Trustees

Eric Brose, VP
Ruah Donnelly
Ellen S. Dunlap
Lynette Hull
Ted Lapres, Treasurer
Cathy Mannick, VP
Jack McCabe, President
John McCarthy
Ann Molloy, Clerk
Simon Morsink, ex officio
Svetlana Nikitina
Bill O’Neil
Margie Patel
Kent Russell
Wendy Salmond
André van Hese